Wednesday, June 17, 2009


For Franny's final soccer class, Coach Mike had the kids scrimmage. I think the concept of a sport having a competitive drive towards an end is completely lost on Franny; although, at age 4, I think this is a good thing, since it should all be about fun. Franny had missed the previous week's class, where he introduced them to some two-on-two exercises, which would probably have given her a better idea about how to play a game of soccer. As it was, she basically ran around and chased the ball and the other kids, not understanding quite what they were doing. But, as is apparent from the video, she had a great time, regardless. This class, led by the wonderfully patient and fun Coach Mike, was a great experience for Franny and one she really enjoyed. I am hoping she will be interested in another session in the Fall. We'll see!

Soccer from T on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free at last!

A couple of weeks ago, Franny’s butterflies finally all hatched out of their cocoons.  We set them free and watched them fly up high into the sky.  I was a little surprised at how willing Franny was to let them go, but that just made the release all the more fun.  She was a little surprised that the butterflies wouldn’t be returning every night to sleep, as she had expected, but she was still happy to have them free.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It’s a butterfly!

Franny’s butterfly garden has been a test of patience, to say the least.  Once we brought it home, it took another two weeks for the caterpillars to arrive, another week and a half for them to eat up and build their cocoons, and then another week for the first one to emerge as a butterfly, which happened this afternoon.  That’s a lot of waiting for a 4-year-old! And while still two more remain in their cocoons, it was fun to finally see the transformation complete.  Since they are native butterflies, we will set them free once they all leave their cocoons. But until then, we will enjoy viewing them in Franny’s garden.  Just a little more waiting…

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Saturday, May 09, 2009

As time goes on

As each day passes, the special bond between Franny and Cole is becoming increasingly stronger.  The definitely adore each other, and often seem almost lost when they are separated.  Franny recently asked me when she would get married.  I told her when she was older and met someone she loved and wanted to spend all her time with.  She then told me that she wanted to marry Cole.  Sweet Franny—she makes my heart melt!  Times like these, makes me want to freeze time, because it’s hard to imagine that it could be any better and anything different couldn’t possibly be as good. But, everything is about to change—for everyone—in just a few short weeks.  But, I when I look at these two, I know that it will be nothing short of wonderful.




Sunday, April 26, 2009

Princess for a day

There is no question that it is birthday season—we’ve already been to a number of fun parties in last six weeks, and there are many more to come! Few however, have been as intensely anticipated as the royal party that Franny attended this weekend. For the past week, Franny has been asking questions about what to expect at this event—what the kids would all wear and what they would do. The morning of the party there was no question she was both excited, as well as nervous. The kids came in their royal attire, dressed up as princesses, kings and queens, as well as a jester and a dragon. There was a great castle made out of large cardboard boxes, complete with tunnels and a dungeon; pin the lips on the frog prince; crafts to decorate a treasure box and crown; and a fun scavenger hunt to fill the treasure boxes.

It’s interesting to see what a big deal princesses are to these little girls—I really don’t think there is much distinction between reality and fantasy. The opportunity to dress up and become part of this world was a very big deal for Franny—to a level that I didn’t realize until I saw her little face full of both awe and anxiousness for nearly the entire party. All the excitement was a lot for her to take in, and by the end, Franny was thoroughly exhausted, to say the least—I don’t think a thousand peas could have disturbed this princess’ sleep last night! I hope her wonderment doesn’t diminish before we have the opportunity to take a family trip to Disneyland.


Princess Francesca

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Franny decorating her treasure box with jewels


The castle maze

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The 4-year-old sophisticate


What ever happened to criss-cross-applesauce?

Let the sun shine in!

Franny always loves to visit Grandma and Grandpa’s, but our recent stretch of beautiful weather has enabled even more fun--riding the four-wheeler, swinging on the tire swing, playing T-ball, and even just sitting around in the sun.  Hopefully, it will continue for a long time!



Monday, April 20, 2009

The need for speed

Within reason, Grandpa always accommodates Franny and Cole’s requests for a ride on the four-wheeler (Franny) or a trip out to see the horses (Cole).  Given his latest reactions, Cole will probably ride a horse before he climbs on the four-wheeler, but Franny absolutely loves it, especially when she is sandwiched between two of her very favorite people.  On our last soup night gathering, Grandpa pulled it out for Franny for a last-minute run.  Lucky girl!  It was non-stop smiles until she was forced to stop to take pictures!044 040