Monday, February 23, 2009

Grandpa to the rescue

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Franny and Cole have busy schedules to begin with, but the Valentines Day holiday added two parties to Franny's week, as well as special events at her usual activities. Unfortunately, Cole was very sick for most of the week with a terrible cough and fever, which could have potentially quarantined us all. Thankfully, however, Grandpa came over during the early days of the week and stayed with Cole so he could rest and recuperate at home, and still allow Franny to attend her music and soccer classes and a special playgroup Valentines party. It may seem like small stuff to us, but to Franny these events were a big deal, and it was wonderful that she didn't have to miss them. And how did the week end? A special trip to the Train Expo and pizza at the Lucky Lab with Grandma, Grandpa, Daddy, and a newly recovered Cole. For these two kids, there couldn't be a better day. We know how blessed we are to have family close to help us, but it is even more special to see how much Franny and Cole adore them. I love our family!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sweethearts party


Since moving into her Chipmunks classroom six weeks ago, Franny has started to open up more with both the kids and teachers.  She knows more of her classmate's names, has met new friends, and talks to her teachers, now.  So, when it came to preparing her Valentines for her class, it was fun to have Franny interested in taking a very active role.  She helped assemble the little foam bears that held a lollipop; selected each child's play-doh color, bear color, and Valentine; put everything in the gift bags; and topped each one with a bonus sticker--an idea she came up with on her own.  She really enjoyed it all and was very excited to take them to her friends at the Sweethearts party at school.  And, although the party itself was a bit overwhelming for her, I am very proud of her in the types of interaction she has obviously developed over the past weeks.  That's not easy work for one so socially apprehensive. It made me realize that I need to not get so frustrated with her when her shyness overwhelms her in what seems to me to be a simple and easy situation--she is figuring it out on her own time and her own way, which is exactly how she should do it.  And, it makes me very thankful that she is in such a supportive and caring learning environment where she can do just that.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jumping jacks

Franny's soccer class begins with a few warm up exercises, which I think she enjoys as much as the soccer, and I definitely enjoy watching them. From stretches to toe touches, all the kids follow Coach Mike's instructions very well, and do their best to do them right. It wasn't until the first time I saw these 3-4 year olds attempt jumping jacks that I really thought about how much coordination they actually take. I couldn't resist filming them...

Jumping jacks from T on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Down to Earth

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After an amazing 10 weeks floating on our family room ceiling, our Trader Joe's balloon finally settled down to the floor.  It then continued to hover about an inch off the carpet for several days, but has since finally touched ground.  For the incredible duration of it's lifetime, this balloon fascinated all of us--it was around so long it almost began to feel like part of the room.  We'll see what our next TJ balloon does...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

True to herself


On Sunday night, for some reason, this was Franny's choice for bedtime wear.  After nearly four years of witnessing her sometimes crazy and frequently unique style, finding Franny in bed with a Santa hat doesn't even phase me.  If she suddenly shifted into the "norm" then I might begin to wonder...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Franny and Caden

Franny and Caden have been in the same playgroup since they were just a few months old.  They have a very sweet friendship, and have shared a special connection since they were mobile enough to find each other.  They giggle, play, hold hands, and give each other very sweet hugs.

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At last week's playgroup, the two disappeared; since the building (Out of this World Pizza) is, a secure one, their absence wasn't alarming, but our search to find them was, of course, nonetheless urgent.  Caden's mom finally found them in the craft room.  Craft time was long over, but they remained, chatting to each other as they worked on their puppy puppets.   Once approached, they firmly told us We want to be alone.  Interesting response, coming from such little ones.  But, being harmless enough, we let them be until it was time to go home.  I hope these two remain friends for many years to come.  Different schools and interests will inevitably separate them, but Caden will always be Franny's first real friend and will always have a very special place in my heart. 

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Franny and Caden playing alone