Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Around December, Franny became quite certain that the supermarket cart was about the last place she wanted to be. Feeling the need to set firm limits, as well as the need to be consistent in my expectations for her, Franny and I went head to head in our most difficult battle, to date. Unfortunately, her Houdini-like ability to wiggle free of the seat restraints became my downfall, and I conceded the fight three weeks ago. Since, we have shopped on the weekends, with Franny and her daddy staying together, while I do the grocery shopping by myself. This has worked well, but because we spread our grocery shopping across four locations (although not every week), this weekend we ran out of time to get it all completed.

This morning, I decided to attempt the shopping excursion again, although anticipating the worst and preparing myself for possibly returning home empty handed after a bitter battle. As we approached the entrance to New Seasons, I spotted one of those "car carts", and decided to try one. What a life saver! Franny absolutely loved it--we cruised around for about thirty minutes, and she was content the entire time, honking her little horn and leaning out to shout "Hi!" to me or anyone who passed us. I have refrained from using them before, mostly because the ones at FM are very large and cumbersome, not to mention germy, but the NS carts were very compact, manageable, and clean. They also have an additional bonus--the basket is on top of the car, so I didn't have to bend over to unload. These days, that's a very big deal!

I was so happy with her, even though we were headed home for lunch, we indulged in the cookie samples as we left.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Tickled pink in pink

Today, during her weekly visit, Franny's Auntie brought her an adorable Easter dress. The ribbons, flowers, and soft fabric impressed and intrigued Franny. After Auntie had left and the day's excitement had subsided, Franny brought the dress to me, and proclaimed a most emphatic "On!". Once the dress was on, she grabbed the tag with a strong and serious request for it to be "Off!" She was unquestionably taken with the dress, and spun in circles and danced around until, as with all clothes, it eventually needed to come "Off!" again.

She got it!

Yesterday, Franny managed to get her jacket on all by herself for the first time! If that isn't a smile of total pride, I don't know what is! Great job, Franny!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The tricycle adventures, part 2

Today, we spent some more time in the driveway with the tricycle. Franny was very excited to go outside and her version of the word tricycle was adorable, although maybe only recognizable by me. Unlike Monday,this time, she was very serious and although she spent some of the time pushing it while running up and down the driveway, she spent more time in what appeared to be careful scrutinization of the mechanics. She inspected the wheels, experimented with the pedals and what they did when she went forward or backward, checked the trunk numerous times, and tried to release the handle bar lock. And although she wasn't successful, it was clear she did understand what it did. She is always so much fun to watch, as I can see her mind at work, and I just wish I could know exactly what she is thinking and if I am reading her accurately.

Then, toward the end of our time, she seemed to understand that her tricycle is actually a type of bike, and she ran into the garage and returned with her bike helmet in tow. As with all her clothes, she didn't quite get it on right, but it's all about small steps, after all!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunny Monday

The last few weeks, Monday has been a dreary day for us. But today, the sunshine and warmer weather gave our spirits a boost, and we ventured outside for some fresh air and outdoor fun. Our driveway was perfect for Franny to speed around on her new tricycle. She is still mastering her pedal skills, but she is ecstatic just to push and pull it up and down the driveway, and to have me push her. As with everything with Franny, speed is a good thing--the faster the better! After about an hour with the tricycle, I managed to distract her long enough to put it away, so we could go on a short walk around the block. I hope the weather continues, because the sun and fresh air was exactly what both of us needed!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Got vitamin C?

This week, Franny's favorite foods have been oranges ("oransh") and strawberries ("berries!"); both have been consumed in mass quantities. Tuesday, between her lunch and snacks, Franny had 2 1/2 oranges. Today, for lunch, she consumed nearly an entire pint of strawberries. The oranges, though, are the most amusing. She will sometimes just suck out all the juice, leaving a plateful of dry, withered pulp and rinds; other times she will devour the whole thing--peel and all. Regardless, they are one of her favorite things to eat--and say. And, right now, also one of my favorite phrases to hear. "Oransh, please"--who can resist that? Too cute--I love it!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New suit

It seems just a little funny to be swimsuit shopping when it's freezing outside, but Franny really needed a new one, since both of hers were getting a bit on the tight side. Fortunately, stores are beginning to carry them again, and we found this great ladybug suit for her. Not only does she love that it's red and that there's ladybugs on it, but she really loves that she can point to her tummy and say "belly-belly", which is Franny for "belly button".

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A two waffle day

I don't know if it's the snow, an active morning, or just a growth spurt, but this morning, Franny insisted on two waffles--of course, smathered in a thick layer of cream cheese--for her morning snack. Not even at nine months, when her appetite really peaked, did Franny ever go through two complete waffles! We'll see what lunch brings...

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Over the course of the day, Franny gets very intent on either putting on or taking off clothes. And, her fascination isn't limited to her own--in fact, I think she prefers our clothes, because they are bigger and have easier openings to get arms and legs into. Sometimes, though, her ambition can get the best of her. Today, she managed to get her head stuck after she wiggled it through the arm hole of her daddy's shirt. Poor girl!

And, of course, it's all the more frustrating and embarassing when your mommy, who is supposed to save you, prolongs your pain in order to snap a few unnecessary--but very amusing-- photos!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Monday, January 08, 2007

Look at her now

Looking at my calendar, I realize that it was just two months ago that while eating out, Franny dumped a big bowl of broccoli, among other things, all over our table. Dumping was big with Franny, and I really questioned not only if we could ever eat out again, but if we had given her too much freedom in her processes of learning how to eat, and, as a result, if teaching her proper table manners would forever be an uphill battle. But, much to my surprise, with just a few persistent corrections, Franny has outgrown her old bad habits and does a great job. She now even drinks out of a cup by herself, is quite adept with a spoon and fork, and wipes her mouth with a napkin. Amazing.

It is no less than fascinating to watch Franny develop from day to day, because there are changes every day. I love being home with her to witness her wonderment and discovery and to see her grow with each passing moment. With Franny, life is never dull or monotonous. She, like all toddlers, unquestionably has her moments, but not a day passes that I don't experience joy and am overwhelmed by the love enabled by this little person. I am in complete awe of her and I absolutely love being a mom!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Spreading the love

In general, Franny has never been one to cuddle or give a lot of hugs or kisses. With the exception of when she wakes up in the morning and after her nap, she is perpetually focused on being on the go, go, go; all that lovey-dovey stuff has to wait until the next morning! So, I've learned to take it when I can. But recently, Franny has begun to show her love for people and her doll and animals by giving them hugs. At the end of playgroup this week, she gave one of the other little girls a hug before we left--it was just too sweet! So now, I try to get few bonus hugs throughout the day--and, sometimes I am successful--but I sometimes I still get the look of "Now?! You've got to be kidding! We already did that today!" But when I am lucky enough to get a hug, I must say, nothing beats it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The latest on hummus

Franny's new word today: hummus. As you can see, she takes great delight in saying it (not to mention eating it)!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Yummus for hummus

For some reason, the menus restaurants provide for kids are no less than pathetic--mostly fried foods, rarely a vegetable in sight, and zero nutritional value, in general. It never ceases to amaze me; I realize that eating out should be a treat, but at least for now, we steer clear of the fries and try to find some sort of healthy option. Most often, when we go out to eat, we have found some of the best choices for Franny to be off the adult happy hour menus. Portland Brewing has great chicken tacos and any hummus plate is great, especially when it includes tomatoes, olives, pickled onions, cucumbers, and feta cheese, like the one at most McMenamins. And Franny loves anything that allows her to dip. So, to date, the hummus option has been the favorite for her. And when a decent option isn't available, most restaurants have also been open to providing us with different sides, like veggies or beans and rice. I realize that someday she will probably want the hamburger and fries, but for now, this seems to be working just fine.