Saturday, January 06, 2007

Spreading the love

In general, Franny has never been one to cuddle or give a lot of hugs or kisses. With the exception of when she wakes up in the morning and after her nap, she is perpetually focused on being on the go, go, go; all that lovey-dovey stuff has to wait until the next morning! So, I've learned to take it when I can. But recently, Franny has begun to show her love for people and her doll and animals by giving them hugs. At the end of playgroup this week, she gave one of the other little girls a hug before we left--it was just too sweet! So now, I try to get few bonus hugs throughout the day--and, sometimes I am successful--but I sometimes I still get the look of "Now?! You've got to be kidding! We already did that today!" But when I am lucky enough to get a hug, I must say, nothing beats it.

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