Friday, December 28, 2007

Zoo Lights

Hippos at Zoo Lights

Because Franny has been so interested in Christmas lights this year, not to mention her constant interest with visiting the zoo, we were really looking forward to taking her to the Zoo Lights. This is the second year we've gone after Christmas and benefited from wide-open parking, the absence of long lines for both admission and the train, and just a general relaxed feel that only comes with the passing of the holidays. Both Franny and Cole enjoyed the lights and Franny really enjoyed the train ride. All in all, just a fun family night.

The train ride

Franny and Cole checking out the lights

Walking through the blue glow of lights

Through the eyes of a child

Christmas morning we learned the hard way that some sweet moments are too easily missed. Although we thought Franny was not really absorbing any of our Santa talk, Christmas morning we were still in bed when we heard her yelling Daddy! Daddy! from downstairs. Until then, Franny had never even left her room, much left traversed downstairs, before we've gone in to get her in the morning. Yet, Christmas morning, as we looked over the landing to see Franny gripping her giraffe blanket and staring at her new pink stroller, I knew we missed the sweet wide-eyed wonderment she must of had when she went downstairs to see if Santa had come. And while I know it's not what Christmas is all about, I still feel sad we missed that moment.

Tree un-trimming

Yesterday, we concluded the holiday season by taking down the Christmas tree and the few other decorations that we put up this year. While we enjoyed all the festivities (which spanned multiple days) and spending time with dear friends and family, we were definitely exhausted by the time we arrived back home on Christmas day. After removing the tree, Franny helped with our clean-up by pulling out her vacuum and getting all the needles that her daddy missed. It's nice to have the tree down and enjoy the last few lazy days before the New Year throws us back into the rat race. 2008 is going to be a wonderful year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Last morning for matching jammies (sigh)

Franny's favorite perch

This is Franny's new favorite spot to check out deer, squirrels, snow...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Little joys

On Monday, I took Franny to the doctor for her flu mist--a much more humane alternative to the dreaded flu vaccine. While painless, I still expected the process to be a bit of a challenge. Franny communicates quite clearly--not to mention loudly--regarding her feelings about these kind of things. But, while she did wrinkle her brow and pull her head back a bit, she didn't resist and allowed the nurse to give her the mist in both sides of her nose. I was so relieved and impressed with Franny's handling of the situation, that I treated Franny to a "hot-chocolate milk" as she calls it, and a Marionberry muffin from Starbucks. Although it took her all day to finish the muffin, and a couple of hours to finish her hot chocolate, there was no question that she was pleased. She would take a sip, set it down next to my coffee, give me a quick grin, and be off again. And, she was also quite pleased with the Thomas the Train sticker they gave her.

Choo choo!!

There is something about kids and trains. Franny absolutely loves them and is constantly talking about going for a ride on a train. One of her favorite games to play with her daddy is pretending the couch is a train, and bounce up and down while yelling "chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo". Yesterday, while performing her daily raid on Cole's closet, she found this train shirt. It is one of many great hand-me-downs from Cole's older cousin. Except being a little short in the arms, it did fit her--to her absolute delight. She wore it bed last night and to school this morning. I have a feeling Cole isn't getting this one back.

Our wild world

Franny loves the frequent visits we receive from the neighborhood deer residents. Needless to say, I've had to temper my frustration with these garden-eating beasts, so that Franny is able to see and enjoy them. After all, it's not every toddler who gets to see deer up-close, not to mention sleeping and eating in their backyard! They are most often does and fawns, and usually the same groups, but today we were visited by three stags with antlers--this was very exciting. When the last had finally passed through (and finished his breakfast) Franny turned to me and very seriously said "the deer left. We'll see them next week". To which, I say "we will?" And she enthusiastically tells me "Yep! We'll see them on Tuesday!" and then bounds off to find Doll. Maybe she knows something I don't...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One more of Franny's sleep quirks

Franny has a habit of removing her diaper after she is tucked in for the night. While I realize this is bordering on the inappropriate, it was just too darn funny not to share.

Bouncing off the walls

Playgroup is always great fun for Franny, but today was even more exciting because we all met at the Inflatable Kingdom for some bounce-house fun. After an hour and a half of non-stop bouncing, we walked next door to the local McMenamins for lunch. And by "we" I mean five adults, five toddlers, and three babies. To their credit, the toddlers were very well behaved and ate their grilled cheese, veggies, and tater tots with very little mess. It was the perfect wind down to a high energy morning. The kids all left with very tired eyes and the moms all left hoping for very long naps.

Bounce house #1

The big slide ascent

The big slide descent

Franny and her friend Caden walking to the pub

Onslaught of chaos

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

If its not one thing...

Several months ago, Franny went through a phase where she insisted on sleeping on the floor. I found it all very irritating, but as long as she slept I didn't fight it. And, one day she just decided to get back into bed. At the time, I thought to myself Thank goodness that phase is over! But now, Franny has decided that she wants to sleep in her chair. This has been going on for several weeks, and is to the point where her chair is beginning to resemble a chaise lounge. It is probably nothing that a wash and dry of the slip cover won't cure, but it drives me crazy. I know it will pass eventually. But what will come next, I don't even want to speculate!

Trimming the tree

This year Franny and Cole trimmed the tree in matching jammies. Some may think it a bit corny, but we think they're darn cute!

First Christmas as siblings

Hanging with Daddy

Playing with bells

Checking out the tree

Special tradition

Last week, Franny and I enjoyed our annual Christmas tree excursion with Grandpa. Franny always loves spending time with Grandpa and this was no exception. In addition, this year we moved her car seat into his "red truck", where she was able to also enjoy riding in the backseat with Dusty and raiding Grandpa's peanut stash, not to mention another special treat of yummy gumdrops! In retrospect, excitement from the ride probably overshadowed the actual tree shopping, although since Christmas is really more about family, love, and sharing than finding the perfect Noble, maybe she had the right idea. But we did find a very nice tree, as well!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Crazy kids

Cole and Franny had a rousing game of peek-a-boo going this afternoon. I don't know the last time I heard so much giggling! I don't know who loved it more. After having Cole in stitches, Franny wanted to switch positions, so she sat in the high chair and Cole peek-a-booed her (with a little help from me). I think Cole thought that was even more hilarious! I have a feeling that I am going to be seeing--and hearing--a lot of this game.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

"No picture!"

Currently, Franny does NOT enjoy having her picture taken, and will hide her face, run out of the room, or grimace to avoid having her picture taken. I know this phase, as with all the others before, will eventually pass. But it is sad not being able to chronicle her experiences and adventures with that wonderful smile and beautiful face. Maybe tomorrow...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Big sister

When it comes to Cole, Franny's boisterous side is frequently accompanied by a very dear and sweet side.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Mommy time

We try very hard to make special, one-on-one time with Franny. But with a nursing newborn, too frequently I become sidelined, and it has become special "Daddy time". As a result, my quality time with Franny is usually limited to the 1 hour intervals while Cole is napping. Today, however, we had the rare opportunity to spend the morning together. With two others from Franny's playgroup, we went to the zoo to see the Thanksgiving feast prepared for the polar bears and sun bears. Despite the very cold weather, it was an extremely fun time for both of us. We branched off on our own for a short time and watched the feeding of the sea lions, which was, by far, the most entertaining thing I've ever seen at the zoo. Franny loved it too, which of course, was the best part. After we left, we stopped off at our neighborhood Starbucks for a hot chocolate and just a little more "Mommy time". It was reminiscent of the many adventures that Franny and I used to have when it was just the two of us--I miss those times. She is an amazing, sweet, and incredibly fun little girl, and I absolutely adore her. The days and weeks are passing much too quickly and she is changing and growing just as fast. I often wonder what our relationship will be like in five, ten, and twenty years from now. I hope we will still laugh and love each other like we do now. For that to happen, it is going to take a lot of "Mommy time". Lucky me!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Happy Halloween

This Halloween was one of those rare times where we had the chance to introduce Franny to something completely unknown to her and watch her joy and enthusiasm unfold. At first, she was very quiet and wouldn't say "trick or treat". But, she once she realized she was getting candy, she did muster a quiet "one for Cole" and "thank you". Clever girl! We started at our neighborhood community center and then proceeded to the blocks around our house. By the end of the night, she had a very enthusiastic "trick or treat!" and even was so bold as to try and open the door when the residents were too slow for her liking. Next year's Halloween will be fun, because she will be able to pick out her own costume and we'll be able to see her anticipation and excitement build for a night of trick or treating. But first-time joy is absolutely priceless. I wish I could capture the sweet look on her face and her first quiet whisper of "trick or treat" in a picture, but it is impossible. None of the "firsts" can be captured; they are reality mixed with her joy, mixed with our joy to create moments that can only be recalled in the memory. I'm not usually big on Halloween, but this one was really wonderful.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sly grin

It makes me wonder what she's thinking...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Franny likes to use the WHOLE bed (and then some)

Subtle hint?

For the past few weeks Franny has started wearing two shirts and no pants. I don't know if she's trying to tell us she'd like to wear more skirts and dresses or if this is just her new fashion statement. Either way, I'm just glad she's wearing clothes!

Sunday, October 14, 2007