Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Sunday together--too short, but still so sweet

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
~ J. Robert Oppenheimer


I think she likes it there...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Signs of baby

The carseat for Franny's future brother arrived yesterday. After her afternoon nap, Franny saw it for the first time and gave it the Franny inspection--front, back, underneath, wiggled the handle, tried to pick it up, tested the straps. Without question, she knew it was for a baby, as she repeatedly pointed at it while saying "baby! baaaaby!" with her sweet inflection. It quickly became a home for Elmo and her doll.

I wanted to get the seat early enough so that we could move Franny's carseat to right side of the middle seat and have her accustomed to the new position before we put in the baby's seat. I am hoping that this approach will prevent her from any bad feelings that she is getting bumped out of "her place." And, I think she will like it better, as it will give her a closer look at all the cars, trucks, busses, vans, dogs, and pedestrians with hats that she enjoys pointing out on all our rides.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dressing for success

For quite some time, Franny has been very adept at getting her clothes off. The last couple of weeks, however, she has become increasingly better skilled at putting her clothes on. Probably 90% of the time she will get her shirt on right; 99% of the time she will put her shoes on the right feet; 99% of the time she can get her socks on; 75% she can get her jacket on; pants are still a challenge, but getting better; and sleepers are a long way off, yet. She really enjoys dressing herself, and I have also found that she will leave her clothes on longer if she has put them on herself, and longer yet if she has picked them out, although in most cases these outfits are ones we can't leave the house in.

I definitely have to allow more time to get out the door, but I am finding it fun to ask her to put on her socks, shoes, and jacket on, and then see her accomplish the tasks with such enthusiasm and pride. Two years ago, I would never have anticipated that I would experience joy through such a mundane activity as putting on shoes and socks! Life must be good.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

That face

I've had many sympathetic friends ask me how I make it through the week. To which, I always respond that I have great support. While this is unquestionably true, what gets me through above all else is this face. It warms my heart, gives me strength and perspective, and takes my breath away. I am so very fortunate, indeed.

Up and down

Franny loves going to the mall. And no, the main attraction is not the kids' play area. For Franny, nothing beats the escalators--she can go up, run around, go down, and then up, and then down... Sometimes she walks up and other times she just rides, but either way it's great fun for her! And we love to see that smile! Tearing her away, though, is a another story...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

First haircut

It's been awhile since Franny has had a "first". But, this morning, she had her first real haircut. Overall, it quite the experience. She was very serious during the actual cut, but once it was over she was very pleased, especially with her new pony tails. I was going to take them out when we got home, but there was such a protest that we left them in. Ever since, she has been reaching up and touching them, to make sure they are still there, and then flashing a big grin when she confirms that they are still there. I am anxious to see how her hair looks with her new cut, but it seems I will have to wait until tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sunday in the city

Sunday, we enjoyed the last part of a 60+ degree day by going for a late afternoon walk along the Eastbank Esplanade. We cherish our Sundays together, and it was a wonderful treat to be able to spend it outside in the city we love. Franny always enjoys being outside, and this was no exception--she saw joggers, dogs, bikes, strollers, and birds, just to name a few. That, in addition to being with daddy--what could be better?

Strolling along the side ledge

Just taking a moment

Checking out what was going on way down below

Goofing around with daddy

Monday, February 05, 2007

Tossing and turning

When we check on our wild sleeper and see her end up in positions like this, it makes me wonder if she will ever be ready for her toddler bed!