Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The tricycle adventures, part 2

Today, we spent some more time in the driveway with the tricycle. Franny was very excited to go outside and her version of the word tricycle was adorable, although maybe only recognizable by me. Unlike Monday,this time, she was very serious and although she spent some of the time pushing it while running up and down the driveway, she spent more time in what appeared to be careful scrutinization of the mechanics. She inspected the wheels, experimented with the pedals and what they did when she went forward or backward, checked the trunk numerous times, and tried to release the handle bar lock. And although she wasn't successful, it was clear she did understand what it did. She is always so much fun to watch, as I can see her mind at work, and I just wish I could know exactly what she is thinking and if I am reading her accurately.

Then, toward the end of our time, she seemed to understand that her tricycle is actually a type of bike, and she ran into the garage and returned with her bike helmet in tow. As with all her clothes, she didn't quite get it on right, but it's all about small steps, after all!

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