We try very hard to make special, one-on-one time with Franny. But with a nursing newborn, too frequently I become sidelined, and it has become special "Daddy time". As a result, my quality time with Franny is usually limited to the 1 hour intervals while Cole is napping. Today, however, we had the rare opportunity to spend the morning together. With two others from Franny's playgroup, we went to the zoo to see the Thanksgiving feast prepared for the polar bears and sun bears. Despite the very cold weather, it was an extremely fun time for both of us. We branched off on our own for a short time and watched the feeding of the sea lions, which was, by far, the most entertaining thing I've ever seen at the zoo. Franny loved it too, which of course, was the best part. After we left, we stopped off at our neighborhood Starbucks for a hot chocolate and just a little more "Mommy time". It was reminiscent of the many adventures that Franny and I used to have when it was just the two of us--I miss those times. She is an amazing, sweet, and incredibly fun little girl, and I absolutely adore her. The days and weeks are passing much too quickly and she is changing and growing just as fast. I often wonder what our relationship will be like in five, ten, and twenty years from now. I hope we will still laugh and love each other like we do now. For that to happen, it is going to take a lot of "Mommy time". Lucky me!