Monday, April 30, 2007


One of the only good things to come out of my being in the hospital and then on bedrest--besides postponing Baby W's birthday, of course--was Franny being able to spend a lot of time with her grandparents. Besides having a great time, she always seems to learn or experience something new, which is wonderful. On my last day of bedrest, I came home from the doctor's to Franny expressing her emphatic new passion for peanuts. Unquestionably, it is her new favorite snack. And with all that great protien, I am not complaining in the least. But Grandpa might need to find a new hiding spot for his peanut stash, because this girl can really put them away!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Sunday

A special tradition in our church is the decorating of the cross on Easter Sunday. The beauty and symbolism is extremely moving and significant for those hold Christian faith within them. Times like this make me seriously contemplate how and if we will choose to make religion a part of Franny's life. Although I feel there is much to question, I also feel the benefits will greatly enhance her life's journey. But having a family that is unified in our values and how we live our life together is very important, as well. It is definitely a decision that we will need to revisit in the future.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Two years old!

After a week, I have become accustomed to the fact that Franny is two years old. We celebrated with family this weekend, and she had a fabulous time. Although I think the highlights for her were her special cake and playing with her cousins, she had a great time beginning to end. It's always interesting to have everyone together, but everyone loves her in their own way, so that is very special. She is definitely fortunate to have a family that loves her so much!

Franny and her ladybug cake

Franny enjoying her cake and her cousins!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Eighty degrees!

Although it's difficult to believe amongst all this rain, Friday was a beautiful day, topping eighty degrees! We all headed out to the zoo--Franny's favorite destination--to enjoy the sunshine. It was warm enough that she was able to wear her new ladybug shorts outfit, which she has been requesting since her auntie gave it to her a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully we'll have another unseasonally warm day sometime soon!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Young Picasso

Since Grandma and Grandpa gave her this great easel for her birthday, Franny has become a budding artist. One side is a chalkboard that we cover with paper so she can use crayons (better variety of colors--especially pink!) and the other side is a whiteboard that she can use washable markers on. She absolutely loves it and it's fun to see her so enthusiastic about something new and very different than other things she likes to do.

Now, after breakfast, it's the first thing she wants to do, and throughout the day she is constantly asking for crayons, markers, or some particular color to draw with. Letters and shapes seem to be her favorite genre, right now. She will draw in big sweeping motions, look at me and say "Z"! or "circle!" It is a lot of fun, but is definitely something that requires continuous supervision. I have found that if I get distracted with something else, she inevitable emerges with her body and mouth covered with green, purple, or whatever color she happens to be working with.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Then and now

Setting up the nursery for Franny's little brother-to-be has left me scrambling to keep two closets organized, since she has now begun emptying and attempting to try on the baby's clothes. It makes me realize how much she has grown since she originally wore these pants. I am actually amazed she was able to get them on! Crazy girl!

5 months/ 2 years

Birthday girl

We celebrated Franny's second birthday yesterday. She had a very fun day going to the zoo in the morning, the park in the afternoon, and then a birthday treat. Franny is not really into cake, so we made ice cream sundaes, topped with birthday candles. She seemed to be a little concerned about the candles, though...

But she got over it quickly enough! Yum!