Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 2: Pixie Land

Our second day in the Bay Area found us at Pixie Land, a cute little amusement park for young kids.  It was perfect for a morning's adventure--it was just the right size with about seven rides and had a great picnic area for when the kids ran out of tickets.  Franny was definitely in her element.  I wish I had pictures to show of her on the roller coaster (where she kept yelling faster!) and the tea cups ride, but these were the two rides where I needed to ride with her, as she didn't quite meet the height requirement.  While it was fun to go on the rides with her, I must say that her stomach is much stronger than mine!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pile driver

Franny and Cole both love to be upside down.  And, their daddy is just too happy to oblige.  Their latest game, which begins almost immediately after he comes home from work, is Pile Driver.  Apparently, this is some sort of professional wrestling term, but as far as the kids go, it's just great fun!

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Monday, August 25, 2008

California dreamin'

San Francisco 047

Last week, Franny went on her much-anticipated, first plane ride.  Appropriately, the destination was the Bay Area--the very place that her daddy traversed so many times last year.  I was so thrilled that our traveling adventure went smoothly and without incident, making the entire day extremely memorable and fun. Franny loved everything, from shuttling in on buses to riding the moving walkways to watching the planes take off and land. The actual plane ride was completely uneventful; she chattered to her daddy, drank a cup of apple juice, and played with her new View Master for the entire trip. And Cole? Well, he fell asleep about a minute after take-off and woke up about a minute after landing.  It was a great day!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Old" friends

008 Last week we enjoyed a BBQ with the families of Franny's playgroup.  I love seeing all the kids together and having such a great time.  They have known each other since they were all about 3 months.  It's hard to believe it's been that long!  Hopefully, they will be friends for many years to come! 

Fair Day

This last week, Franny and Cole enjoyed a fun day at the Fair.  It was everything Franny hoped for--rides, animals, fair food, and especially, special time with Auntie. This was Franny's third year going to fair, and  it's a tradition that she anticipates all year long.  It will probably be quite some time before we stop hearing Are we going to the fair after my nap? (Franny calls night sleep nap time), as well as I want to go to Auntie's house!  Special relationships like this are so precious, and events like these are so much more fun because of them.  I love being able to step back and see the joy that she finds in them.  Great memories!

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Monday, August 04, 2008

Shopping girl

007 Franny loves to shop.  It doesn't matter if its for groceries, clothes, or office supplies; if it involves going to a specified location, looking at things, and possibly selecting things to bring home, it is great fun.  This weekend, we started the process of shopping for a new sofa.  Franny enjoyed trying out all the different options.  She got very excited when we browsed through kids bedroom furniture.  She kept asking us is this one Franny size?  I can't wait until we find the perfect one to bring home for her--she will be so excited!

Putting it together


Franny is such an energetic little girl, most of her favorite things to do revolve around some sort of physical activity.  Books, tea parties, and puzzles seem to be the only quiet activities that can command her attention for long periods of time.  She does enjoy other things, like drawing and play-doh, but for much shorter periods of time.  Most recently, Franny has been spending a lot of time putting together puzzles.  I find it almost fascinating to watch her be so quiet and focused!  Sometimes she will want help, but most frequently she is intent on completing them herself.  When she's done, however, she does allow Cole to help her clean up!

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