She wants the big girl chair; she walks, talks, and eats like a big girl; and now she's wearing big girl pajamas. I am beginning to think that Franny has nearly grown out of her "little" stage. While I am truly enjoying watching her grow as a young toddler--especially where her development enables us to do and explore new activities together--there is a small part of me that will miss the "little" Franny and all the joy that accompanied that early and amazing part of her life.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Social butterfly
Franny and I have a great time--we play, swim, dance, and go on adventures. In fact, there is very little that we don't do! Generally speaking, I think that I am one very cool and fun mommy! However, there is absolutely nothing I could do that would excite and please her more than being around other kids. Anyplace that we are, whether it be kid-oriented or not, Franny is drawn like a magnet to other children. When we were at the play structure at Ft. Stevens, Franny and her daddy were crawling through tunnels, going down slides, and climbing high and low; she was unquestionably having fun. But then a little boy came along, and her face just lit up. At this point, nothing could be better.
There is nothing shy about Franny when it comes to being around other kids. A mother at her Music Together class even told me that she thought Franny acted like she had older siblings (MT classes include kids ages 0-5), because of her ease in approaching and playing with other kids--she will jump right in, and if she's discouraged by anyone, she will just move right on to the next kid or group of kids. Although child experts will say that kids Franny's age don't actually play together, I don't know if I completely agree with that determination. While this may be true in the physical sense, I think that they actually do play together mentally, and that there is unquestionably interaction. Fortunately, Franny has a number of regular activities that enable her to be around other kids and play to her heart's content.
There is nothing shy about Franny when it comes to being around other kids. A mother at her Music Together class even told me that she thought Franny acted like she had older siblings (MT classes include kids ages 0-5), because of her ease in approaching and playing with other kids--she will jump right in, and if she's discouraged by anyone, she will just move right on to the next kid or group of kids. Although child experts will say that kids Franny's age don't actually play together, I don't know if I completely agree with that determination. While this may be true in the physical sense, I think that they actually do play together mentally, and that there is unquestionably interaction. Fortunately, Franny has a number of regular activities that enable her to be around other kids and play to her heart's content.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
75 degrees is more like it!

Saturday we fled the heat wave for Astoria and Ft. Stevens. And was it ever worth it! The weather was beautiful-- seventy-five degrees, clear skies, and just a light and constant breeze. We couldn't have asked for more. We enjoyed a gorgeous bike ride around the park, which went through the historical area, camp grounds, beach front, and around Coffenbury Lake. The beauty and diversity of the park was a pleasant surprise. Although we were primarily just seeking refuge from the high temperatures and humidity in Portland, we ended up discovering a new destination that we will return to.
The highlight for Franny, though, was when we made our final stop at the beach. She absolutely loved the beach and especially the water. And she was completely uninhibited--I think she would have dove in head first if we had let her. Restrained but undaunted, Franny waded all the way up to her waist and didn't even flinch from the cold water. Everytime we even slightly retreated, she strained to break free and run back into the ocean. The waves coming in thrilled, rather than intimidated her, and she laughed, splashed, and kicked with fearless abandon. Her adventurous nature never ceases to amaze me! Because we were having such a great day, we left for home much later than planned. Franny fell asleep in the car not long after we departed Astoria--dreaming of dancing with the ocean waves, no doubt!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Franny, I don't think we're in Portland anymore...
Today temperatures soared to an incredible 104 degrees! Yesterday, Franny and I temporarily suspended our afternoon adventures to take some much-needed refuge from the heat. And while we would both rather have been outside and exploring our beautiful city, we still had fun! At one point we ventured out onto the back deck, but quickly retreated to the cool inside air and some cold drinks. Mainly,we just listened to her Music Together CDs while we danced and played. Her favorite game was to crawl midway up the stairs, turn around and scoot back down on her stomach. And was she ever so very pleased with herself!
Fill 'er up!

Franny is holding the best new gadget I've found for quite some time. It's the "Snack Trap"--a convenient little bowl with handles and a lid that Franny can push her fingers through to pull out what she wants, without spilling or shaking out a bunch of extra. Although it isn't completely spill-proof, it definitely minimizes the number of Joe's O's and bunny crackers that I typically find scattered throughout the house.
I used to insist that Franny eat her snacks in her chair at the table. Now, however, I am just happy if she eats. I knew that toddlers her age ate less than they did as 9-12 month olds, but the change in her appetite has been so dramatic it makes me just a little uneasy! So, now if she signs that she wants to eat or that she wants to eat cereal or some crackers, I load up the Snack Trap and let her run. Unbelievably, she actually eats more this way.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
15 months: long and lean
Weight: 21 pounds, 9.8 ounces (25th percentile)
Height: 32 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 19 inches (95th percentile)
Franny had her 15-month check-up yesterday. Everything is great, and although she is a lightweight, she is growing steadily along on the same growth curve. With her daddy in tow, we finished off the morning with a short walk and a yummy muffin at Starbucks.
We also found out, since her mouth was wide open while she was crying during her shots (poor girl) that she has two more teeth--upper molars. I tried to get another look, in case there was more to be discovered, but she recovered too quickly, and she wasn't about to tolerate any additional poking and prodding! That brings her tooth count to an even 12.
Height: 32 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 19 inches (95th percentile)
Franny had her 15-month check-up yesterday. Everything is great, and although she is a lightweight, she is growing steadily along on the same growth curve. With her daddy in tow, we finished off the morning with a short walk and a yummy muffin at Starbucks.
We also found out, since her mouth was wide open while she was crying during her shots (poor girl) that she has two more teeth--upper molars. I tried to get another look, in case there was more to be discovered, but she recovered too quickly, and she wasn't about to tolerate any additional poking and prodding! That brings her tooth count to an even 12.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
So serious!
I took this picture on our Zoo Train ride, which we took as a fun way to get to the Children's Playground by the Rose Gardens. Despite this serious gaze, she really did enjoy the trip--especially flirting with the little boy in the seat behind us!
Sweet dreams
Yesterday Franny's afternoon nap lasted for three hours! I've tried not to think about it, but I can't help but hope for the same today! We'll see...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Who would have guessed that Franny's first time in a saddle would be at the zoo? Not me, that's for sure! If I known, I would have gotten her an appropriate hat for the occasion! Although, when she climbed up on this wooden horse, she did seem a little confused that it didn't rock--not that she didn't try!
Unquestionably, Franny absolutely loved the barn. She ran from one side to the other for nearly twenty minutes--she couldn't get enough! Just when she looked like she was finally ready to head outside and onto different things, she would turn and head back to the goats--dogs to her, but that's okay--and continue her pointing, talking, and running around. I was surprised at just how excited she was over a barnfull of goats! I suppose, who needs all those exotic animals when you have a barn where you can climb in a saddle and look twenty Franny-size animals square in the eye?
Monday, July 17, 2006
Franny the Brave
Sunday we explored Grant Park's Beverly Clearly Sculpture Garden, which includes a set of small fountains perfect for a toddler who can't get enough of the water. Franny had a great time, running around and even through the sprays--she's such a little daredevil! Although she didn't pay much attention to the other sculptures, she was very intrigued by the sculpture of Ribsy--it was the only thing that slowed her down. She would stop and look--I don't know if she was trying to determine if he was real or not--but she would then do her dog sign and be off running again! Water, a dog, her ball, playing outside--what more could she ask for? It was a perfect Franny day!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Easing into Saturday
This morning's excursion took us to the Portland Farmers Market, where Franny enjoyed tasting the many samples, running around in the grassy space, and charming all the shoppers.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Since last July, when we transferred Franny to her crib, we have been on a continuous roller coaster of various sleep issues and challenges. After months of sleepless nights, February brought us relief with the beginnings of Franny sleeping uninterrupted all night. But then, in April we were again set back by her intense separation anxiety, which manifested in her crying unconsolably at bedtime. Then, last week began a long string of difficulty going to sleep--nap and bedtimes could take up to an hour and a half before she would finally be asleep. To minimize her separation anxiety we had been staying in her room until she fell asleep, gradually working our way closer to the door. To say the least, this last week and a half had stretched our patience to the absolute limit!
At her naptime yesterday, after an hour, my patience finally abandoned me--I couldn't take it anymore and just left the room. She cried for about ten minutes before falling asleep. I was amazed--it was the first time since March that I have been able to leave the room without her escalating into full hysterics. And then today, after our bedtime rituals, I laid her down, said "have a good sleep" and walked out the door. This was unprecedented! And there was no crying, just a lot of talking--for an hour and fifteen minutes! But she finally fell asleep, and is now napping. Great job, Franny!
At her naptime yesterday, after an hour, my patience finally abandoned me--I couldn't take it anymore and just left the room. She cried for about ten minutes before falling asleep. I was amazed--it was the first time since March that I have been able to leave the room without her escalating into full hysterics. And then today, after our bedtime rituals, I laid her down, said "have a good sleep" and walked out the door. This was unprecedented! And there was no crying, just a lot of talking--for an hour and fifteen minutes! But she finally fell asleep, and is now napping. Great job, Franny!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Big girl on campus
Franny and I headed out on another adventure this afternoon. We started at Reed College, as I found a short hiking trail that goes around Reed Lake and then runs into the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden--it sounded like the perfect excursion! Unbeknownst to me, Reed Lake is very generous terminology. Actually, nasty bog is very generous terminology. And as it turned out, the trail wasn't stroller accessible anyway. It was just as well, because we both really enjoyed just walking around the campus instead. It is very beautiful, serene, and quiet--at least until we came along. Franny was so completely taken in by it all that she expressed her joy by singing out at the top of her lungs to everything, everyone, and even nothing at all. But everyone found her quite amusing--there's not many toddlers running around Reed-- and nearly everyone we passed either smiled, waved, or complemented her on her hat. And our presence must have been at least somewhat unusual, as several people asked us if there was anything they could help us with! Or, maybe Reedsters are just that friendly! Either way, we made a strong impression.
Even though the trail didn't work out, we still proceeded to Crystal Springs. And it was such fun! She got a huge kick out the ducks, birds, and geese that inhabit the Gardens. Little did we know that Franny is just slightly taller than a Canadian Goose! If you look carefully, I think this one is sticking his tongue out at her!
As with majority of protected urban wildlife, the ducks were so tame, that they barely even flinched when Franny came barreling along to check them out. But when some flew off into the adjacent pond, Franny laughed hysterically. I'm still not sure what was so amusing , but she clearly did! We watched them for quite some time before moving on.

I had never been to this park before and was very impressed. Although it is unquestionably beautiful now, it is obvious it must be spectacular when the Rhododendrons are in full bloom. I wish we had had more time to spend, because it was a perfect excursion for Franny--lots of paths, shade, and a great variety of interesting things to look at. I am sure we will be heading back soon, as there was so much we didn't have time to explore. And when we do, we'll be sure to stop and yell out our hellos to the students at Reed!
Even though the trail didn't work out, we still proceeded to Crystal Springs. And it was such fun! She got a huge kick out the ducks, birds, and geese that inhabit the Gardens. Little did we know that Franny is just slightly taller than a Canadian Goose! If you look carefully, I think this one is sticking his tongue out at her!
As with majority of protected urban wildlife, the ducks were so tame, that they barely even flinched when Franny came barreling along to check them out. But when some flew off into the adjacent pond, Franny laughed hysterically. I'm still not sure what was so amusing , but she clearly did! We watched them for quite some time before moving on.

I had never been to this park before and was very impressed. Although it is unquestionably beautiful now, it is obvious it must be spectacular when the Rhododendrons are in full bloom. I wish we had had more time to spend, because it was a perfect excursion for Franny--lots of paths, shade, and a great variety of interesting things to look at. I am sure we will be heading back soon, as there was so much we didn't have time to explore. And when we do, we'll be sure to stop and yell out our hellos to the students at Reed!
No reason
I love this picture--it's just a classic Franny expression. It makes me wonder what she's thinking...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Park hopping
During his vacation last week, Franny and her daddy unquestionably spent a lot of time on playgrounds around the Portland area. To name a few: Blue Lake Park, Wilshire Park, Beaverton Farmers Market, Mill Pond Park, Oak Hills Park. And I am sure I am missing a few! Franny just loves being around lots of kids, climbing on the equipment, going down the slides, and flying high in the swings. Set her down in a park, and she will take just a moment to assess the vicinity before heading in direct route for the nearest play structure! And last week, Franny definitely enjoyed herself during her many playground adventures with her daddy.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Fearless Franny
Although just fifteen months, Franny seems to be very outgoing and doesn't appear to get intimidated by much. She plays with the big kids, even takes their toys, and doesn't skip a beat. If a bigger kid takes something from her, she'll either take it back or just move on to the next thing. She is pretty well adjusted with that--I have never seen her cry or get upset over losing a toy to another child.
Sunday, she was in true Franny form at the Jamison Square fountain. It was our first time, and we didn't think about bringing toys for her to play with, because we had assumed she would just splash around. But, that didn't phase her--she just made a bee line for the first ball she saw...

And then she moved on to Miles' ball...
Back to the original ball--after a minor battle for possession...

Then, she confiscated a small truck... The owner dumped water on her head--twice--but that was okay...
If we had stayed longer, I am sure this ball would have been her next target...
And of course, don't forget about the main attraction! What fun!
Eventually, I know that we will have to address sharing and respecting other kids' property, but for now, it's fun to see her so confident and having fun playing on her terms. And secretly, I love to see her go head to head with the bigger kid and win!
Saturday oasis
We escaped the heat on Saturday by heading to Mt. Hood. To maximize the time we could spend there, we had Franny take her nap on the way, and she actually had an adequate snooze, which was a relief since this approach was an experiment for us. Once we arrived at Government Camp, Franny enjoyed relaxing and eating her snack in the shade at Skibowl, charming passers-by and identifying every dog within visible distance. I suspect she also enjoyed just sitting in a real chair, as this seems to be a big deal for her now. But regardless, it was very pleasant with a light breeze, and the ten degree drop from the Portland heat made it very worthwhile.
We then enjoyed a short hike to Mirror Lake, which was very scenic and surprisingly, not very crowded. We were able to find two good spots on the beach. At a shady spot, Franny enjoyed playing in the dirt, one of her new favorite activities--ugh. We then found a better beach spot, where Franny could wade in the lake with her new water shoes. Ever since she scraped her little toes up walking barefoot, I am very protective of her feet. I really like these shoes since they have a flexible sole withn good traction, and they cover her whole foot so I can be sure that a nasty little sharp rock can't get in there and wreak havoc!
All in all, it was a great day. Even better, Franny rode the entire trip home without even a complaint--now that's a great ride!
We then enjoyed a short hike to Mirror Lake, which was very scenic and surprisingly, not very crowded. We were able to find two good spots on the beach. At a shady spot, Franny enjoyed playing in the dirt, one of her new favorite activities--ugh. We then found a better beach spot, where Franny could wade in the lake with her new water shoes. Ever since she scraped her little toes up walking barefoot, I am very protective of her feet. I really like these shoes since they have a flexible sole withn good traction, and they cover her whole foot so I can be sure that a nasty little sharp rock can't get in there and wreak havoc!
All in all, it was a great day. Even better, Franny rode the entire trip home without even a complaint--now that's a great ride!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Franny loves a parade
Fourth of July was an incredibly fun day for Franny! Visiting Auntie Noelle, playing with her puppies, and watching the Fourth of July parade made for a very exciting morning. And, as usual, Auntie thought of everything, including a Franny-size bench to sit on during the parade and a big beach ball to play with in the yard. Franny had a great time watching everyone go by, as well as charming everyone sitting around us. Next year, I am sure she will be scrambling (along with her daddy) for the candy they throw from the floats!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sharing my load
Friday, Franny kicked the last of her virus--straight to me. Fortunately, I was only out of commission for about two days, when all was said and done. During that time, Franny and her daddy went on several adventures, leaving me at home to recoup. It was incredibly therapeutic to be at home and alone--it is a very different kind of feeling; I truly felt free of responsibility and I think I even breathed a little deeper. Even if Franny is sleeping, or if I am out alone, I don't experience that same feeling. These last two days, I think those periods really contributed to my ability to recover quickly. Although unquestionably, Franny brings tremendous joy to my life, being a full-time mom is very demanding--physically, mentally, and emotionally--at times, it can be overwhelming. But moments of complete solitude can create a peace that enables rejuvination of both mind and spirit. I frequently find myself saying, Franny is so lucky to have a father that... But today, I am saying that I am extremely lucky to have a husband who recognizes that need and gives it to me without my having to ask. I am very thankful.
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