Monday, December 04, 2006

Post-Thanksgiving thoughts

The events that took place this past Thanksgiving have brought many things to the forefront of my mind for which I am very thankful.

Franny is too young to understand how very fortunate she is to be part of such a wonderful family. (Although, there is no question that she does adore everyone quite thoroughly!) It brings me tremendous joy to see the relationships develop between Franny and her different family members and to see the love they share. How one little person can have such an impact is no less than amazing. I had hesitated to teach her to sign "I love you" because I wasn't sure it would have real meaning for her; but now I can see that I underestmated her, as I do believe that she does understand and it melts me heart whenever she signs it spontaneously on her own.

We are also so very fortunate to have family around us to lend support and help when we need it. To be able to leave Franny with them, without worry, while we are forced to focus on other situations is a blessing that I didn't fully comprehend until recent events made it so relevant. To be unable to have her with me, but to be able to close my eyes and know, without question, that she is not only safe, but also secure and happy with people she loves, overwhelms me.

There are so many other things in my life for which I am thankful, but these are the things that evoked great emotion with me this Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Beautiful thoughts! What a blessing to realize them and cherish them.
Love from Mom