Franny is slowly adjusting to the arrival of her new little brother. She can be very sweet with him, but it has been very hard for her, as well. Although things are smoothing out a bit now, her temperment has been best described by her daddy as
"unreasonable!". Although toddlers are unreasonable by nature, his assessment has merit. One way it has manifested itself is in her bedtime routine. She now is sleeping with her doll, Elmo, four plastic ducks, any combination of four blankets, two pillows, the
same pair of PJs every night, as well as her favorite sweater and a water bottle. Keeping track of the location of all these things is a challenge in itself. An additional bedtime story is also frequently requested. She has also had some difficulty falling asleep--or, more likely, is
fighting sleep--which has led to some interesting conversations with herself (or doll or Elmo or whoever) and some interesting sleep positions. I am a big believer in
wisely picking my battles with Franny, so unless she is trying to push her limits, I try to let her do her thing and give her as much control as is reasonable. With sleep-deprived parents, however, the line between reasonable and unreasonable can be very fuzzy.
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