The adventurous nature of Franny never ceases to amaze me. I knew she would enjoy the rides at the fair, but they didn't have any of the tame rides I'd expected they would have for little kids. She was actually just a couple of inches shorter than she needed to be to go on any of the rides, but not wanting her to be disappointed, when I held her up to the measuring line, I helped her gain her missing height. But then, when I tried to go with her on one of the roller coasters, we were told that adults were not allowed on the rides with the kids. Since our ride card was already scanned, I asked her if she wanted to go without me. Although she (of course) answered "yes", I really thought that she would end up getting back off before the ride started. To my astonishment, she climbed right in the car on off it went, with Franny laughing and smiling the whole way. It's hard to choose just a few of the pictures we took of her, but here are a few. (Well, more than a few!) Franny is the little head with the big smile in the middle car.

The Dragon Wagon

Waiting in line (not so patiently) while it was closed for maintenance

The Dragon Wagon

And they're off!

Waiting in line (not so patiently) while it was closed for maintenance

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