Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Unconditional love

Doll has been Franny's dearest friend and playmate for a year now. Especially over this last year, the two have been through a lot, and there is virtually nothing that Franny has experienced that Doll has not, whether it be in reality or Franny's imagination. Although her body is permanently stained from a rub-down with diaper cream (sun screen last summer), her hair is ratty and beyond repair, and her stitching that distinguishes her toes is nearly gone, I firmly believe that Franny sees Doll as new and perfect. I don't know how long Doll will remain Franny's beloved, but I do know that when her time has passed there will be a very special place for her in my Franny memory box.

1 comment:

cherl said...

There must be something that happens around the 2 year mark or maybe it's related to a new sibling, but Thomas has the same unconditional love for his rabbit (affectionately named Bunny). I try not to think about what would happen if Bunny were to become lost (!).

Such a sweet photo of Franny with Doll. :)