Thursday, April 03, 2008

Sweet big sister

I started this entry over a month ago. Now, I realize that it will never be done, as I could add something new almost daily. Here are a few of the things that I love about Franny and her relationship with Cole.

Her chatter in the car:
Cole--see the excavator? I see it too!

Look at the airplane, Cole!
Do you want Tucker (his turtle), Cole?
We're going over the bridge Cole... We're not there yet!
Ba, ba, ba (and endless variations)
He's talking!
That's rain, Cole... It's wet.
It's OK Cole, we're almost home.

Her endearments:
Little guy
Baby Cole

Her attentiveness:
A toy for you, Cole.
Cole needs a cup! (a bowl, a lid, a spoon...)
It's okay, sweetie--mama's coming...
Cole come too!

Mom! Cole's crying! Mom!
Cole wants one too!
Good morning, little guy!
Cole wants a Cookie Monster diaper!
Cole needs diaper cream!
(To Cole in the backpack) You OK up there, little guy?
Be careful Cole... Don't hit your head!
Did you fall, little guy?
Time to wind down, Cole.

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