Monday, January 08, 2007

Look at her now

Looking at my calendar, I realize that it was just two months ago that while eating out, Franny dumped a big bowl of broccoli, among other things, all over our table. Dumping was big with Franny, and I really questioned not only if we could ever eat out again, but if we had given her too much freedom in her processes of learning how to eat, and, as a result, if teaching her proper table manners would forever be an uphill battle. But, much to my surprise, with just a few persistent corrections, Franny has outgrown her old bad habits and does a great job. She now even drinks out of a cup by herself, is quite adept with a spoon and fork, and wipes her mouth with a napkin. Amazing.

It is no less than fascinating to watch Franny develop from day to day, because there are changes every day. I love being home with her to witness her wonderment and discovery and to see her grow with each passing moment. With Franny, life is never dull or monotonous. She, like all toddlers, unquestionably has her moments, but not a day passes that I don't experience joy and am overwhelmed by the love enabled by this little person. I am in complete awe of her and I absolutely love being a mom!

1 comment:

cherl said...

Great photo! Should we meet again for dinner sometime soon??