Today, amidst clear blue skies and a warm, inviting sun, Franny visited her Auntie Noelle's house for a fun-filled morning. As if three exuberant korgis, a slightly teasing cat, and two mattresses to jump on and off of wasn't enough, Auntie treated Franny to a trip to the park, as well. Franny and her Auntie have a wonderful and very special relationship, so no matter what they do, she always loves every minute of their visits. And today, was no different--I think she had a smile on her face the entire time!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Give me a Z!

Yesterday, unfortunately, we had to go to the pediatrician to diagnose the cause of a persistent fever. On our departure, they gave Franny not only a big sticker--too big for her hand--but an Elmo sticker. Oh my, what could be better? The sticker was more enthusiastically received than the stuffed animal they gave her on her arrival. The sticker started off on her jacket, moved to her dress, and was even put on her doll for awhile. Needless to say, it lost it's stick in record time.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sleeping beauty
Since we purchased Franny's toddler bed, I have been reluctant to attempt the actual transition. Selfishly, I had visions of her repeatedly hopping out of bed, and me spending my last few precious moments in the evening trying to get her to stay in bed and go to sleep. And while Franny seemed to like the bed, her interest seemed rather minimal, so I have waited, intending to use her interest as my guide. I have learned that it is futile to rush Franny to do anything; she has her own agenda, from which she does not waver. In the meantime, I have forced myself to be patient, knowing that her little brother wouldn't really need it for quite some time, anyway.
However, two days ago, after waking up half-way through her nap extremely upset, I picked her up until she drifted off to sleep. During this time, both my back and abdomen cramped and I knew there was no way I would be able to get her back into her crib. So, I put her down on the toddler bed, where she slept quite contently for the rest of her nap. Today, I again put her down in her bed for her nap, and as I first, listened to her chatter on and then, have the phone ring, I thought for sure she would be up and in the hall in no time. But, to my amazement, she went to sleep, business as usual. And tonight, she requested--quite emphatically--that she wanted to sleep in her bed. It is too soon to tell if this will mark the onset of her big transition. But time will tell!
However, two days ago, after waking up half-way through her nap extremely upset, I picked her up until she drifted off to sleep. During this time, both my back and abdomen cramped and I knew there was no way I would be able to get her back into her crib. So, I put her down on the toddler bed, where she slept quite contently for the rest of her nap. Today, I again put her down in her bed for her nap, and as I first, listened to her chatter on and then, have the phone ring, I thought for sure she would be up and in the hall in no time. But, to my amazement, she went to sleep, business as usual. And tonight, she requested--quite emphatically--that she wanted to sleep in her bed. It is too soon to tell if this will mark the onset of her big transition. But time will tell!
Franny and her sleeping essentials: Lena the tiger, Miss Kitty, PJs of her choice, striped blanket, green blanket, and water
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Hanging out
Now that park season is well underway, Franny is acutely aware of any park or play equipment that we drive by. Whether it be a park, school, or other facility with play equipment, we are informed--with a tremendous sense of urgency--that an opportunity to play is within her eye's view. Luckily, she gets quite a bit of park time, which she absolutely loves. About six months have past since we were on our park circuit, and our new adventures now involve some new interests, as well. In addition to old favorites, Franny now likes to hang from the overhead bars. She isn't able to move from bar to bar, but she gets a big kick out of just hanging.
Of course, our little daredevil also likes to drop, so we have to stay on our toes!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Adventures in dressing
One of Franny's favorite things to do at home is get dressed, undressed, and dressed again... She is getting very good at getting things on and off, not to mention out of her closet, but her fashion sense has yet to even begin to be established. Everyday, when she presents herself with an outfit, such as mismatched stripes or some other outrageous combination, I hold my breath, hoping that it won't be the day that she insists on going out with the outfit of her choice. Fortunately, this day has yet to come.
Some days, however, mismatched stripes are the least of my concerns!
Some days, however, mismatched stripes are the least of my concerns!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sing, sing, sing-a-long
Over the last few weeks, I have begun to realize that the some of Franny's endless stream of chattering, especially while riding in the car, is actually her singing along to her music CDs. I think her favorite is Clap Your Hands, because it has a lot of words that she knows that she can sing to. All of the repeated words she sings with great enthusiasm!
Clap, clap, clap your hands....
Tap, tap, tap your feet...
Walk, walk, walk around...
Sneak, sneak, sneak around...
Jump, jump, jump around...
Walk, walk, walk around...
Sneak, sneak, sneak around...
Jump, jump, jump around...
It is fun to listen to her, because her tone and volume will mirror that of the actual song--as with the sneak, sneak, sneak, she will whisper and pretend she is sneaking around like we did in our music class. Even if she is in her carseat, during slow songs, she will also sway side to side and sing doo doo doo or imitate whatever sounds she hears. She even uses some of the different hand movements that we have done in class, which is funny because she rarely will do them in class, and since they vary greatly from week to week, I am amazed that she remembers any of them! Another of my favorites is a song that has a series of meows; when it comes on I turn my rear-view mirror on her to see her rocking back and forth, meowing, all while doing her sign for cat. It cracks me up everytime!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday and sunshine--a priceless combination
Perspective can be found at the most surprising times. Sunday morning, we couldn't resist the welcoming sunshine and headed down to NW for an early walk. It was the perfect start to a great day of family fun. For me, there is something very comforting about a sunny morning--feelings of hope and optimism replace the anxiety of our burdens and the warmth of the sun on my face drains me of my angst and rejuvenates my spirit. While on our walk and soaking up every precious ray, I couldn't help but be acutely conscious of the closeness the three of us share, and I realized how fortunate we are that the challenges we currently face are outside forces that cannot compromise our family. Every day we spend together enhances our strength and enables us to face another Monday, void of the self-pity and bitterness that can erode the faith and spirit of the weak-hearted. We will not fall into that trap. Although the rain will inevitably return, our road will always be laden with sunshine, of that I am certain.
Zoo! Zoo! Zoo!
One of Franny's favorite books right now is Put Me in the Zoo. When she wants to read it, she'll repeat "zoo!" until she has retrieved it out of her book box and we are situated to begin. Needless to say, we have a little fun with her when we tell her that we are actually going to the zoo, as we did this past Sunday. It gets the same reaction. Although the animals weren't out in numbers on this trip, we did have a good time. Here are a few pictures from our adventure:
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Party time
Franny went to her first kids birthday party this weekend. Her twin friends from her playgroup turned two and celebrated with a Gymboree birthday party. Franny had a great time, as they did a lot of the same fun activities that she loves from her Gymboree class. There were about 20 kids in attendance (chaos), and was complete with cupcakes, milk, and juice (her first) and a fun book exchange. It was an added bonus having her daddy there to see some of what she does at Gymboree, in addition to being able to see the fun and excitement she gets from it.
Birthday treat time
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