Friday, March 23, 2007


I have come to greatly appreciate the businesses which provide stickers for kids. On our weekly trips to New Seasons, they always offer Franny a sticker, which she picks out and proudly wears on her hand until she has pulled it off so many times, it loses it's stick. And, on our ride home, I hear her no less than joyful ring of "Sticker! Sticker!" amidst her endless stream of chatter.

Yesterday, unfortunately, we had to go to the pediatrician to diagnose the cause of a persistent fever. On our departure, they gave Franny not only a big sticker--too big for her hand--but an Elmo sticker. Oh my, what could be better? The sticker was more enthusiastically received than the stuffed animal they gave her on her arrival. The sticker started off on her jacket, moved to her dress, and was even put on her doll for awhile. Needless to say, it lost it's stick in record time.

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