Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sing, sing, sing-a-long

Over the last few weeks, I have begun to realize that the some of Franny's endless stream of chattering, especially while riding in the car, is actually her singing along to her music CDs. I think her favorite is Clap Your Hands, because it has a lot of words that she knows that she can sing to. All of the repeated words she sings with great enthusiasm!

Clap, clap, clap your hands....
Tap, tap, tap your feet...
Walk, walk, walk around...
Sneak, sneak, sneak around...
Jump, jump, jump around...

It is fun to listen to her, because her tone and volume will mirror that of the actual song--as with the sneak, sneak, sneak, she will whisper and pretend she is sneaking around like we did in our music class. Even if she is in her carseat, during slow songs, she will also sway side to side and sing doo doo doo or imitate whatever sounds she hears. She even uses some of the different hand movements that we have done in class, which is funny because she rarely will do them in class, and since they vary greatly from week to week, I am amazed that she remembers any of them! Another of my favorites is a song that has a series of meows; when it comes on I turn my rear-view mirror on her to see her rocking back and forth, meowing, all while doing her sign for cat. It cracks me up everytime!

1 comment:

cherl said...

Wow! Look at those beautiful green eyes!! It was fun to see her recently and listen to her identify things around our house.

Thomas has also started using some of the same hand movements he's been exposed to with different songs. But just like Franny, he doesn't do them in class, only at home. So silly!