Franny never stops coming up with new and exciting ways to amaze me. She has recently become fascinated with letters. I never really thought to teach her letters before, but I tried to teach her "Z" because she loves all her z-words--especially zipper, zoo, and zebra. She picked it up so quickly, last week I started to teach her more. Now, she knows W, X ,Y ,Z ,A ,O, I, H, S and B everytime; U, K, and Q most of the time. Most, she has learned in just one day! Without a doubt, her favorites are W and Z; she will be playing along or riding in the car, and out of nowhere I hear "
W" and "
Z" enter into her endless stream of chatter. She is now also very interested in her alphabet books and will pick out the letters she knows in other books, as well. What amazes me is this has all happened within a week's timeframe. I can't wait to see what she learns next!
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