After such a great Monday, I decided to take Franny on another afternoon excursion and headed down to Washington Park to do some walking along the Vietnam Memorial path. Again, Franny just loved getting out, walking around, and seeing the sights. As soon as we got there, she was on the move, and the smooth pavers were a great surface for her--she could have her independence and I could feel more at ease.

She had a great time checking out the fountain--she wanted to climb in, so I had to act fast!

And she got a big kick out of checking out her reflection on the monument...

...and peering down at the other visitors once we had gotten to the top.

Then, we headed down the Marquam Trail, which runs from the Memorial to the Children's Museum, and then up the sidewalk back towards our start.

Franny got distracted once we got to the stairs in front of the Forestry Center, and wanted to practice her new stair climbing skills. We went all the way up, then down, back up, and then back down. She would have kept going, but we had to get back home! She has endless energy! I do need to help her by holding her hands as she pulls herself up each step, but she wants to do it herself. This is a new endeavor which really makes her daddy uneasy.

But she was very pleased with herself, that is for sure! What a great day!
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