Thursday, June 08, 2006

Who's "it"?

Now that Franny is walking we have all sorts of new things to do and games to play. It's just a whole new perspective for her, and therefore, for me as well. Yesterday, we walked around the pond at the park; I could sense more of her reactions to different things--dogs, walkers, ducks, cars, bridges--by her pace, direction, and general motions. It's very fun to see. It's also very time consuming, but very fun, nonetheless.

One of our new games at home starts with me chasing her, but as she really gets going, it ends up with her chasing me. Coming around the different corners and blindspots in the house sends her into fits of giggles, and she starts going faster and faster. She falls, but pushes up without missing a beat, laughing the whole time, and starts after me again. She is hilarious!

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