Well, I think Franny was cold-free for probably a whole two days, before she her nose started running again. This one is not as bad as the last one--it's been about three days and she has perked up and is eating normally again. Her nose, though, is still running, which is the worst, because it means that I have to continue to use the aspirator, which for Franny, is the tragedy to end all tragedies. And believe me, I hate it as much as she does. So, I will try anything to give her (and me) some relief. We are now using an aromatherapy bubble bath with eucalyptus, fir needles, aloe vera, tea tree oil, and vitamin e, in addition to soap bark, yucca, calendula, cactus, chamomile, acacia, and Irish moss, which are all supposed to work to relieve congestion and stuffiness. It smells great! At best, it is actually helping her nose, but at least, who would have thought that bath time could be even more fun?!
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