Friday, June 30, 2006

More on more

There is no question that I LOVE the new signs that Franny started using this week. After she woke up this morning and we sat down for a little couch time, she started signing for milk. Wonderful! If we hadn't had any milk, I would have been driving to the nearest store!

However, I am finding that "more"can be a little tricky. A number of times over the last few days, she has signed for more and I haven't been able to determine what she wants more of. The most frustrating example was her waking up from her nap crying and repeatedly signing for more. We tried for more sleep but in the end settled for more hugs and some milk. More sleep--what was I thinking? I think I have used the term "clueless Mommy" before...


cherl said...

What a funny sleep position!

Trina Rae said...

She's really hilarious like that. I have LOTS of photos of her sleeping.