Thursday, June 15, 2006

Power-trip walker

Independent Franny is back, and has really taken to the streets--as long as she is outside, she must walk. And don't even think about holding her hands--apparently help is for amateurs and is now completely unacceptable! Franny also does not like to be directed--she wants to decide where she is going. And being redirected is just a source of nuisance for her--she will persist in trying to get where she wants to go (such as the middle of the street) until she is finally picked up and taken out the vicinity of controversy, which of course does not occur without strenuous complaint. For some reason, she likes to walk the length of the driveway toward the street, but not back toward the house. As a result, we make a lot of one-way trips. How such a little being can have such strong opinions really amazes me. It also makes me slightly wary of what other battles the future holds for us!

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